
PDMP: Cut Down to 1.5 Minutes Per Patient

As a pediatric practice administrator, physician, or staff member, you know the importance of time. When serving children and their families, every minute is valuable. That’s why any process that feels slow or inefficient can cost you.

The Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) allows you to track patient data before prescribing controlled substances, such as those used to manage behavioral disorders like ADHD. While this is a necessary and useful tool, it often takes providers several minutes per patient to check the PDMP.

Despite the possible lag time, the CDC recommends consulting the PDMP at least once every three months and prior to every opioid prescription. Are you wondering how to abide by these guidelines and still operate efficiently? The solution is an in-workflow integration, and here are four benefits to using a tool that’s incorporated into your EHR.

Allows Seamless Access

Because an in-workflow solution offers single sign-on and context-aware search, providers can go directly to the patient’s PDMP medication record for review. They do not have to go to a separate site; everything is in context.

This allows for easy and smooth access to patient PDMP prescription history within the EHR — without additional effort. Seeing that data helps providers make decisions about adherence to the medication.

Reduces Time Spent

On average, it takes a prescriber 4.6 minutes per patient to check the PDMP. In 2019, when studying a group of 550,000 providers who prescribed controlled substances, that equated to more than 42,000 hours checking PDMP records or 20 hours per provider annually.

With an in-workflow integration, the average review time is cut down to 1.5 minutes per patient, and users experience a 67 percent time savings when using Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) with integrated PDMP. It’s a significant convenience feature that results in considerable time saved. And anything that saves time allows busy pediatric practices to be more efficient and productive.

Meets States Regulations

Each state operates its own PDMP database and implements its own mandates to ensure prescribers have the information they need to identify patients who are addicted, or at risk of becoming addicted, to controlled substances.

More than 40 states require a prescriber to review the PDMP before prescribing a controlled substance. In addition, 12 states require EPCS, with 16 more states planning EPCS enforcement dates. Using an in-workflow solution to check the PDMP ensures your practice is already abiding by these rules.

Identifies Misuse Right Away

While the PDMP is meant to prevent opioid abuse and doctor shopping, the system is useful for identifying pediatric patients who could be misusing common controlled substances, like Ritalin and Adderall. Other medications that are appropriate for pediatric practices are those that help manage depression and anxiety, and possibly pain medications for injuries.

With an in-workflow tool, providers are able to see any red flags during the point of encounter — while the patient and a parent are in the exam room or on video during a telehealth appointment. This feature means you can continue providing the high-quality pediatric care your patients have come to expect from your practice.

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