It is crucial that pediatric practices create an environment where patients not only receive care, but families feel cared about. Partnering with patients and families along their healthcare journey is how we create a meaningful pediatric medical home. Relationships matter. Mutual respect and trust is earned and must be nurtured.
Join us Tuesday, July 27th at 1 PM ET for a live educational webinar presented by Dr. Sue Kressly, MD, FAAP.
During this webinar, she will share the following strategies for become a high performing practice, including closing the care loop:
Attendees of the live webinar will receive 1 continuing education unit (CEU) from the AAPC.
This is a part of the always-free Pediatric Success Series. Register for this webinar, and you will automatically be subscribed to our newsletter which is packed with resources for independent pediatric practices. This quarter’s focus: Improving Clinical and Financial Outcomes | What you don’t know, can hurt your patients and your practice.
With over 30 years of experience in clinical practice as an independent pediatrician, Dr. Sue Kressly currently serves as the Medical Director at Office Practicum. She is a HealthIT industry thought leader and involved in many national pediatric organizations that are helping pediatricians thrive.
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