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   Best-in-Class Implementation: New Efforts to Onboard Clients

When you partner with OP RCM, you experience our high-touch, easy implementation process. Our team of experts is with you every step of the way to ensure there are no disruptions to your operations. Click here to read more about OP RCM’s new efforts to onboard clients.

   How Clinical Templates Improve Billing and Save Time

We know that, with a busy pediatric office, it’s important to you to have intuitive, time-saving tools that help your practice stay financially healthy. That’s why the RCM process works with OP’s EHR. Click here to learn how clinical templates improve billing and save time.

   New InstaMed Offering: Same Day Deposits

If you are an InstaMed client with a Chase Bank Account (DDA), you can now receive Same Day Deposits at no additional charge. Not only will you receive funds on the same day, but also on weekends and holidays. To take advantage of this service and/or to open a Chase DDA, follow these instructions:

  • If you do not have a Chase DDA, visit to register for one.
  • Once you have registered for a Chase DDA, email to start the Same Day Deposits onboarding process.

  Contact Us

Bethany Williams – Senior Vice President, Products/Services

Elizabeth Feliciano – Director, Client Revenue Cycle Performance and Experience

Mimi Ruggles – Senior Manager, Process Improvement

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