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Achieve More Together

Children’s Medical Group has a passion for providing quality care to children and their families. OP has a passion for helping you achieve that.

Your OP Contact: Brett Cleary | | (404) 664-9433


OP Video Overview

In this short video, see how our EHR, practice management system, and outsourced pediatric billing services were created to ensure practices focus on what really matters – providing exceptional pediatric care.

More Than Just an EHR

With the OP Community, you are able to connect virtually with thousands of pediatric peers. Exchange ideas. Provide support. Share COVID-19 clinical and business strategies.

Preparing for Flu Vaccine Season While Social Distancing

Learn how to prepare your practice for the upcoming flu vaccine season while supporting social distancing on this recorded presentation by Sue Kressly, MD, FAAP and Alisa Vaughn, CMPE.

Better Manage Vaccine Inventory & Forecasting

To succeed at keeping patients current with vaccines, you need a clinical decision support (CDS) tool. Here are five ways a CDS tool will help your practice.


Vaccine Management for Pediatric Practices

When making an appointment, you can immediately see if patient is overdue for well visits or vaccines and check family balance.


Easily Identify Overdue Patients

In under two minutes, you can identify your active patients overdue for well visits, ADHD med check-ups, HPV vaccinations, and at-risk patients during flu season.


Integrated Patient Messaging

Once you’ve identified gaps in care for your active patients, you’ll want to notify these patients via their preferred contact method (phone, email, text).

flu season

Tools to Navigate Flu Season During a Pandemic

The latest pediatric tools needed to ensure your patients, practices, and communities are safe this upcoming flu season while supporting social distancing and virtual care.

Surveillance & Screening Tools

OP provides integrated surveillance and screening tools to effectively assess your patients’ overall health, development, mental health, and more.

Healthcare Business Analytics

It’s crucial that you understand how your practice is performing so you can continue providing care to your community. OP Intelligence™ is a powerful, pediatric-specific healthcare business analytics tool that not only tracks your financial data but also analyzes it for you.

Thrive Financially with a Quality Initiatives Project

Having good quality of care attracts patients to your practice and keeps them returning for care. And that means your business thrives financially and can continue to operate as a successful, independent pediatric practice.

Clearinghouses: Collect What You’ve Earned

Providing great quality care to your patients is one thing. Getting paid for doing so is another. With reimbursements declining, it’s more important than ever to ensure that your claims are getting to both commercial and government payers as quickly and cleanly as possible.

“The OP Community assists my practice by helping us recognize the nuances of things that we can do better, and giving us ideas on things we never even thought about looking at.” – Kateri Haskett, Pediatric Associates

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