Fraud Blocker

21st Century Cures Act and Information Sharing

The healthcare industry is buzzing about the ONCโ€™s 21st Century Cures Act. With so much information available, you might not be able to tell what applies to you.

We make it simpleโ€” if you see patients, treat them with clinical care, or have information about them somewhere in your office in order to perform or bill for that care, the 21st Century Cures Act applies to you. As the first of it’s kind certified pediatric-specialty EHR, we partner with you on the path toward compliance, ensuring that independent pediatric practices have all the performance-centric tools needed to support the 21st Century Cures Act.

Free Information Sharing Workbook

We're here to help!

Download your FREE copy of our exclusive Information Sharing Workbookโ€“ an interactive and printable five-part guide to creating an Information Sharing Policy for your pediatric practice. Complete with practical examples of Information Blocking Exceptions, you’ll have everything you need to develop a policy that’s organized and promotes ongoing compliance.

Bonus Resource