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Behavioral Health Tools

With all of the roadblocks in the way of accessible behavioral health care, itโ€™s no wonder that kids and their caregivers are turning to their pediatricians for help. OP is committed to making sure that pediatricians have tools at their fingertips to document, monitor, and track pediatric mental and behavioral health.

Tools to Help You Help Them

Childhood mental health concerns have been rising steadily for at least the last decade, and it doesnโ€™t appear as though it will let up anytime soon. According to the AAP:

  • By 2018, suicide was the second leading cause of death for youth ages 10-24, especially among children and teens of color
  • Between 2019 and 2020, mental health-related Emergency Department visits among children increased by 66% with visits covering treatments for eating disorders, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and everything in between
  • In early 2021, suspected suicide attempts sent an increased 51% of 12-17 year old girls to the ED

The AAP also published that โ€œthe pediatric behavioral health workforce has been decimated,โ€ with the current workforce being very young, with little experience, and receiving little or no ongoing supervision or training. And to make matters worse, only about 55% of public schools offer mental health assessments, and even fewer offer treatment services. This map, published by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, reveals just how severe the current shortage has become.

Behavioral Health Templates

Out of the box, OP includes a package of over two dozen behavioral health-focused templates, giving your clinical team the blueprint they need to discuss difficult topics, write detailed documentation, and maximize claim reimbursement.

The package includes both symptom and diagnostic templates, relevant to the DSM-5, and separates out anxiety and depression templates individually for more specified care. They can also be modified or adjusted by your providers based on the needs of your practice.

One of the most powerful ways these templates can be employed is in the way they work with our other groundbreaking behavioral health tool, the OP Mental Health Monitor.

OP Mental Health Monitor

Imagine being able to view an analysis of data from internal behavioral health-focused surveys like the PHQ-9 and GAD-7, identifying patients who are most at risk, and tracking their scores to account for changesโ€” both positive and negative. With OP’s Mental Health Monitor, this exact information is displayed in an easy-to-use dashboard that helps you quickly and accurately take action, empowering your clinical team and streamlining the process of monitoring these patients making it more likely for your providers to catch changes before it’s too late.

The OP Mental Health Monitor empowers pediatricians and their clinical care teams, delivering functionality to:

  • Easily monitor all patients designated with behavioral health concerns
  • Quickly assess the effectiveness of interventions by tracking behavioral health survey scores
  • Visualize trends in survey scores using charts and graphs within the dashboard
  • Identify high-risk patients that may require more immediate attention
  • Manage and track referrals to ensure your patients are getting the treatment they need

While OP is not the only pediatric EHR to offer this sort of functionality, we are the only EHR to provide it built-in and out-of-the-box.

Looking for ways to promote mental health and mindfulness in your practice?

Check out our Steps to a Mindful Pediatric Practice. You’ll learn why mindfulness matters and ways to transform your practice into a haven of calm for kids.

Ready to learn how the tools in OP give pediatricians what they need to deliver exceptional care to every child?
Fill out the form below to schedule a personalized OP walk-through.