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Patient Recalls

Patient recalls can become your practiceโ€™s clinical (and financial) superpower – but only if you have the right tools to get you the reporting you need while streamlining the process. OP gives you the power to deliver excellent care with precision and promotes the idea that good clinical decisions can also be good business decisions via our Demographic Analysis and Recall (DAR) Report.

The clinical benefits of patient recalls cannot be understated

There are numerous tasks to keep track of when managing a childโ€™s health, so identifying strategies for getting kids in the door for their recommended well visits is key. A generic EHR may be able to recall for an adultโ€™s yearly well visit, but children under 3 are coming in for checkups much more frequently – staying on track with things like vaccinations and their developmental milestones is critical to getting them started off on the right foot. As a pediatric-specific EHR, OP gives you the power to recall patients on the AAP/Bright Futures-recommended well visit schedule, ensuring they are meeting milestones and getting their recommended immunizations on-time.ย  From a clinical perspective, OP’s Demographic Analysis and Recall (DAR) Report empowers your practice to:

Increase vaccination rates

Help your patients get and stay up-to-date with their vaccinations. The DAR provides several flexible vaccine reporting options, including the ability to easily identify and recall patients for upcoming or overdue vaccines.

Focus on quality initiatives

Whether it be payer-specific quality measures or HEDIS quality measures, the DAR gives you the flexibility you need to meet reporting requirements for various quality initiatives.

Keep up with patient care needs

With a variety of clinical reporting options, you can recall patients by medication, diagnosis, and lab test to name a few. You'll also be able to keep kids with ongoing or chronic conditions up to date with treatments outlined in their care plans.

The DAR will also help you meet your practice’s financial goals!

While recalls are essential for getting patients in the door for treatment, they also have the downstream benefit of boosting the financial health of your practice.

  • The AAP recommends that children under age 3 be seen multiple times per year to account for monitoring their growth and ensuring they are getting their immunizations when needed, at an an average Payment Per Visit (PPV) of $130, you need to make sure that you remind their caregivers to get them in the door.
  • The ability to easily report on and recall patients also helps to keep your schedule full where you may normally experience gaps throughout the year. For example, if you regularly see a dip in patient visits each summer, you may want to make recalling patients for overdue well visits a part of your yearly strategy for getting these kids in the door and keeping your providers busy. And these ideas donโ€™t just make sense from the perspective of getting folks in for the visits themselves, but from a reimbursement perspective as well, with payers often offering incentives to providers who meet HEDIS or other quality initiatives.

All of these examples and more are why patient recalls donโ€™t just make great clinical practice, but excellent financial sense as well.

We make patient recalls as easy as 1-2-3!

In 3 easy steps you’ll be able to:

  • Identify gaps in care for patients with overdue well visits or vaccinations
  • Create healthy campaigns for various groups of patients in your community
  • React quickly and effectively to local events like vaccine-preventable illness outbreaks

STEP 1 Build your patient list.

STEP 2 Select and run the recall.

STEP 3 Contact patients to schedule appointments.

… yes, it’s that easy!

Check out The Power of Patient Recalls Webinar!

During this discussion on best practices for recall reports, OP Community member Kateri Haskett, CEO at Pediatric Associates, PSC of Kentucky joins us to share her insights on how pediatric practices can efficiently use recalls to improve patient care, boost immunization rates, generate revenue, and plan for future growth.

Ready to see how OP’s simplified patient recalls help keep your patients healthy?
Fill out the form to schedule a discovery call.