
Hit the ground running and set yourself up for success as your practice returns to busy following the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Phil Boucher, a private practice pediatrician who is known for his practical strategies for building the practice & life you’ve been dreaming of, has organized a 3-night online summit ideal...

Due to stay-at-home orders and widespread anxiety from the pandemic, many pediatric practices saw a decline in both well visits and vaccination rates. Pediatrix, a practice with two offices located in Phoenix, Arizona, came up with a very creative way to entice their patients to stay up to date with...

Learn how to use telemedicine for well visits from industry-leading pediatricians. Watch the latest recorded webinar “Pediatric Virtual Well Visits,” hosted by Anytime Pediatrics. Webinar Objectives: Adapt & Manage Through ChangeMarket & Schedule Well CareAdjust for Virtual Well Care ExamsMental & Behavioral Health for Patients & Parents“New Wellness” WorkflowsDocumentation, Billing &...

You care about your employees. You want to show your appreciation for all of their hard work. But during times of socially distancing and virtual visits, how do you do it? Fairhope Pediatrics, located in Fairhope, Alabama, has certainly come up with a creative way to show support for their staff...

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