
2016 is here, which means another year of advancements in technology all over the world. For physicians and other medical and health care professionals, it's best to look ahead at what's in store for the medical world. The future of health information technology is now. Telemedicine technologies are quickly evolving, promising...

Next to salaries, vaccines are the single most expensive line item on a practice’s bottom line. They also can be a profit center if they are managed correctly. Are you following best practices and getting the most out of Office Practicum’s vaccine management? If you think someone else is “on...

You ordered your flu vaccines months ago and the shipments are due to arrive any day.  You’ll have to figure out where to store the extra inventory, and how to vaccinate your patients in the most efficient manner possible.  It seems like you just finished the last flu season and...

Today was the Big Day that both my staff and my patients have been dreading for the past few weeks: Flu Shot Clinic! Last October, Greg posted about our H1N1s clinics, which included one on Halloween. I thought we did a pretty good job last year, but we applied our...

As the Wall Street Journal, and others have recently reported, Americans appear to be using fewer medical services this year. Is it the economy? Are we seeing less infectious illnesses? Are patients going elsewhere, such as retail-based clinics? It is likely a combination of factors, but many of us need...

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