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Imagine starting every visit with a complete picture of the patient's health journey, whether they are new or established. Picture having instant access to everything from a patient's growth chart and immunization records to specialist consultations and ED visits. Then, imagine being able to digitize your entire new patient intake process. No more relying on incomplete information or a parent's recollection....

Since early 2020, many pediatric practices have been forced to juggle increased patient demand against new safety precautions and a reduction in the number of people they have on staff. The COVID pandemic has been a significant stressor on the pediatric community, with one survey finding that 60% of pediatricians were experiencing at least one dimension of burnout....

Learning to communicate with patients online has been a central hallmark of the COVID-19 pandemic for pediatric practices. However, evaluating whether your practice is succeeding in this area can be a challenge. The scope of communication in healthcare varies, and there’s no one standard metric that providers can use to measure their progress....

Have you ever thought to yourself, “Wouldn’t it be cool if parents could self-schedule appointments?” If you’re part of a busy practice, you know how much time a simple feature like this could save. How about the frantic parent who calls the office one minute after opening because they lost the daycare form you gave them last week and little Niko’s first day is tomorrow? Wouldn’t it be great if little Niko’s mom could simply print the form herself rather than coming into the office and picking up a copy? With older EHRs, that might have been mere wishful thinking, but no...

Parents of your pediatric patients are busy people who like technology and the convenience it offers. In fact, they are accustomed to being an online consumer — when buying airline tickets, making restaurant reservations, ordering groceries, and purchasing all of their everyday goods and services. It makes sense, then, to have a patient portal available for your pediatric practice that saves them time, provides convenience and is easily accessible. So, is it worth your investment to offer a patient portal? Here are three suggestions for increasing portal adoption and how doing so boosts your ROI (Return on Investment) and ROE (Return...

The patient referral system is one of the most important pathways within pediatric healthcare. Ideally, it operates smoothly to ensure that all patients, regardless of socio-economic background, gender, or race, are able to take steps towards good health.  In a recent issue of Pediatrics, a study confirmed that there were several factors that affected the pediatric referral system negatively, ranging from race and zip code to whether the patient had public insurance. The authors of the study also noted what factors made a positive impact on whether referrals were scheduled quickly and attended by patients and their families. There are a...

Patient portals can provide tremendous enhancements for pediatric family engagement and satisfaction. On the other hand, online portals can also be one of those offerings that some parents argue are good in theory but not in practice. Busy parents may be thinking: do I really need another email or text reminder? Or another login/password combination to remember? Or another app to download on my mobile device? The short, simple answer to these questions is yes. Here’s how a portal can improve patient engagement and satisfaction, along with some tips to help your parents adopt your portal. Pediatric Patient Portal Benefits Patient portals bring...


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