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Since early 2020, many pediatric practices have been forced to juggle increased patient demand against new safety precautions and a reduction in the number of people they have on staff. The COVID pandemic has been a significant stressor on the pediatric community, with one survey finding that 60% of pediatricians were experiencing at least one dimension of burnout....

Operating a pediatric practice that runs on time has always been important. Staying on schedule is essential because it affects everyone's workflows and keeps appointments on track. Happy patients = a happy practice. Here are five tips for fostering an environment where everyone runs on time. 1. Have an Honest Baseline It’s important to be honest and realistic with yourself. Start by measuring your baseline. Look through your data, appointment by appointment. For example, perhaps you’ve been scheduling all ADHD rechecks as 20-minute visits, but you occasionally conduct those appointments and notice patients who are not stable on their medications. This means encounters...

As the leader of a pediatric practice, you know that being successful involves more than providing excellent medical care. Of course, patient care is your top priority, but managing day-to-day operations takes knowledge, organization, and the right people. How do you make the best use of your team's skills and talents? How can you make sure everyone in your pediatric office is being productive and efficient without crushing morale? These are important points to consider, especially if you want to have a profitable practice. Here are some suggestions for boosting staff productivity. Get to Know Your Team and Show Them You Care Perhaps your...

Wellness means different things to different people, but many would agree that it plays a big role in your overall health. Finding ways to boost wellness, especially at the office, can improve work performance as well. According to the CDC, healthier employees translates to a more productive office. Additionally, offices that encourage wellness among employees not only reduces absenteeism, but may even help employees and their families improve overall health, and there are many, easy ways to promote wellness in your practice. Hold Walking Meetings Some hospitals and medical practices regularly hold Walk with a Doc’ programs for patients and those within...

As an independent pediatric office owner or administrator, you want your practice to thrive. One of the best ways to ensure that your business succeeds is having a high-performing team. Recent research shows that high-performing teams have one thing in common: They work in a psychologically safe environment. It's kind of an awkward, fancy term. Essentially, it means the work environment is a safe place to ask questions, raise concerns, and share ideas without feeling fear. Are you ready to learn about this important trend in job environments? Here are four ways to ensure your pediatric practice is a psychologically safe workplace. 1. Create...

Keeping your personal information safe is important, but when someone else entrusts you with their information, you have an obligation to protect it diligently and at all costs. This is especially true for medical practices, which are among the most heavily targeted because they contain an abundance of private information that hackers love to get their hands on. Here are three strategies you can implement immediately to help protect your patient’s data. Cloud Technology Cloud-hosted applications are a great way to be proactive when initiating security measures within your practice. They will provide automatic, regular data backup and recovery while keeping your...

Electronic health record software is consistently updated in order to adjust to the ever-changing and dynamic healthcare and technology worlds. That’s why training must be seen as a consistent commitment, not a one-and-done effort. Regardless of whether you’re going to switch to a new EHR or plan on staying with your current solution, here are five best practices for establishing a culture of ongoing EHR education. Designate a Superuser To start, designate a superuser. A superuser is a point person who understands the big picture and sees the entire scope of the practice, particularly how different functions, workflows, and data inputs affect...


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