pediatric practice Archives - Office Practicum

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[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]Summer can be a challenging time for pediatric practices. With kids away at camp and families on vacation, it's not uncommon to see a dip in appointments. However, it doesn't have to be that way. By leveraging the right tools and strategies, you can keep your schedule full and ensure your patients receive the care they need. Let's explore how you can make the most of your summer schedule to keep kids up-to-date on the care they need and keep your revenue flowing. Identifying Gaps in Care One of the most effective ways to fill...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]It's summertime, and while many pediatricians dream of a relaxing getaway, the thought of leaving their practice unattended can be a major source of stress. The constant need to be available for patient calls can make it challenging to truly disconnect.  Fortunately, there are powerful tools designed to help pediatricians break free from that feeling of being on call every hour of the day — and night. Comprehensive 24/7 pediatric answering services and pediatric-focused online patient education resources offer solutions that allow doctors to enjoy some well-deserved time off, knowing their patients will still...

Since early 2020, many pediatric practices have been forced to juggle increased patient demand against new safety precautions and a reduction in the number of people they have on staff. The COVID pandemic has been a significant stressor on the pediatric community, with one survey finding that 60% of pediatricians were experiencing at least one dimension of burnout....

Everybody needs education, and that may be doubly true when it comes to your pediatric EHR. To put it simply: education is power. Power to do your job more effectively. Power to contribute and make decisions. Power to be able to use the software competently — and by doing so, to provide better patient care.  In other words: no matter how advanced your EHR is, if you’re not engaging in ongoing education, you’re limiting the effectiveness of your system, your people, and your practice as a whole. Why is Training Necessary? Of course, when you first adopt a system, you need training in...

Operating a pediatric practice that runs on time has always been important. Staying on schedule is essential because it affects everyone's workflows and keeps appointments on track. Happy patients = a happy practice. Here are five tips for fostering an environment where everyone runs on time. 1. Have an Honest Baseline It’s important to be honest and realistic with yourself. Start by measuring your baseline. Look through your data, appointment by appointment. For example, perhaps you’ve been scheduling all ADHD rechecks as 20-minute visits, but you occasionally conduct those appointments and notice patients who are not stable on their medications. This means encounters...

As an independent pediatric office owner or administrator, you want your practice to thrive. One of the best ways to ensure that your business succeeds is having a high-performing team. Recent research shows that high-performing teams have one thing in common: They work in a psychologically safe environment. It's kind of an awkward, fancy term. Essentially, it means the work environment is a safe place to ask questions, raise concerns, and share ideas without feeling fear. Are you ready to learn about this important trend in job environments? Here are four ways to ensure your pediatric practice is a psychologically safe workplace. 1. Create...

You’ve decided you’re ready to spread your entrepreneurial wings. You're going to open your own pediatric practice. While it’s an exciting time, it’s also busy with planning. You’ve got a checklist full of items like credentialing providers with payers, securing financing, choosing a location, purchasing technology, hiring staff, ordering supplies and furniture, and preparing forms and processes. Another important area to tackle before officially launching your new practice? Billing. It's one of the most critical elements of your business. Without a good billing system, you won't get paid appropriately. And a practice that's not profitable will quickly fold in the ever-changing world...

A frazzled mom walks into your pediatric clinic. She approaches the check-in desk, and your receptionist notices dark circles below wet eyes, red from crying, possibly even during the drive to the office.  The screaming toddler on the mom’s hip is not so interested in disguising his anguish. He wails in pain as he tugs on his ear, not afraid to let the tears fall freely. Even those staff members behind the check-in desk, standing at the hallway scale, or walking a patient to an exam room can hear the little guy. After checking in the fidgety little boy, the receptionist sees...

In order to truly provide top-notch medical care at your pediatric practice, you need an all-star team of professionals working around you. Front desk staff, nurse practitioners, medical billers, the list goes on. A successful medical practice relies on a full staff of talented people. A hiring mistake alone, can cost you 15 times an employee’s base salary in hard costs and lost productivity. You are in the medical profession. You are not a Human Resource Manager. You might be a little lost when it comes to hiring for your practice. In this article, I am going to give you the...


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