27 Feb Analyze Your Demographic Data and Maximize Revenue
Pediatric care providers need to ensure that patients with health needs requiring follow-up, as well as those due or behind on their well visits, are receiving the care they need. This is also vital to having a healthier population and increasing practice revenue. And that’s where something like “DAR” comes in.
Using a Tool for Patient Recall
DAR stands for Demographic Analysis and Recall. It’s a powerful tool for analyzing demographic data that’s integrated in OP. Based on the findings, it recalls specific patient and practice information.
Let’s say that I’m a busy clinician. I want to know how DAR can help my practice generate consistent revenue. With DAR, you can create special reports and patient lists in just a few clicks. That means seamlessly filling gaps with patient care. Running these reports allow you to quickly know which patients are overdue for things like HPV vaccinations, well visits and flu shots.
Here’s another scenario. Maybe you want to run a recall of infants and children from birth to 3 years old. Was an appointment missed because a parent missed a visit and forgot to schedule it? DAR helps give us necessary data that can get families back into your practice – and back on track with their care.
The Importance of Recall Reporting
Do you remember the days when practices had to pull all their charts manually? It sure took a while – and what if you missed an important patient file? Recall reporting reduces human errors and improves workflows. It’s a seamless integration that lets you spearhead your marketing and reporting. All data is instantly retrievable and at your fingertips. Let’s look at an example.
Use Birthday Card Lists to Show You Care
One way to use DAR’s recall reporting is by creating birthday card lists. This opportunity reminds patients to get a well visit in a birthday message. Psychologically, it ties into Maslow’s hierarchy of needs pyramid as it’s a subtle technique to get your revenue streams up again.
The card helps patients feel cared about. They feel like they’re in an exclusive group because you’re taking the time to acknowledge them. A Temple University study found that paper stays in the memory longer. It’s also stimulating, desirable, and engaging. Further, a tangible/physical card a patient holds can increase their feelings of self-worth (more so than with digital cards).
Sending cards also takes a forward-thinking approach. That same patient might consider changing providers one day. But if they feel valued by their current practice, they might stay (memory recall about a good experience with your practice). That goes back to Maslow’s pyramid, as people have an inherent need to belong and feel accepted. And it’s little touches like these that can improve the patient journey.
Respect Care Plans
Maybe you have concerns about pediatric care plans. Perhaps you’re wondering how hard it is to stay current.
I can see where practices underutilize and misuse care plans. DAR is one of the most powerful tools out there that can help correct this. As a trainer, whether I’m helping a clinician create their own custom recalls or having a general consultation with them, I can tell you once they’ve gotten their care plans set up and customized, that’s when they really start to see the benefits of using DAR. Maybe they want specific care plans for ADHD, asthma, diabetes, or lab tests to follow. Having this tool helps to keep patients healthy and it keeps revenue up in the office.
Getting Back to Business (and More Revenue)
I see firsthand that people are excited about using a tool like DAR and the customization and flexibility it allows. It gives your practice a marketing advantage because you can improve the patient experience. You’re also helping patients feel confident about their care. Keeping kids on track for well visits and vaccines is important for better clinical outcomes, it’s rewarding, and it’s just good medicine.
EHRs are the key to streamlining operations, identifying efficiencies and gaps in care, and freeing up valuable time for you and your staff. OP’s pediatric-specialty EHR offers features designed to help keep your practice’s financial and clinical operations running smoothly so you can focus on your patients. Contact us today to learn how Office Practicum can help your pediatric practice operate at its best.