Reporting - Office Practicum


Pediatric care providers need to ensure that patients with health needs requiring follow-up, as well as those due or behind on their well visits, are receiving the care they need. This is also vital to having a healthier population and increasing practice revenue. And that’s where something like “DAR” comes in.  Using a Tool for Patient Recall DAR stands for Demographic Analysis and Recall. It's a powerful tool for analyzing demographic data that's integrated in OP. Based on the findings, it recalls specific patient and practice information.   Let’s say that I’m a busy clinician. I want to know how DAR can help my...

If a pediatric practice has some extra down time, pause and remember the financial health of your practice starts with having an appropriate fee schedule. While contractually the payers determine how much they are going to pay you for each service you provide, it starts with how much you charge.  Scheduled Processes and Procedures At a minimum, at the beginning of the year, your practice should have a scheduled process and procedure for updating your fee schedule so you can be sure you are not leaving money on the table (and in the insurance company’s pocket.) The AAP has resources for pediatricians...

As a pediatrician, your primary goal is to deliver the best possible healthcare to your patients. Just as it's important for your patients to have regular check-ups as part of their wellness, it's also critical to regularly evaluate your pediatric office's financial health. But how? There are some key analytics that you can consistently examine to stay on top of your practice's financial well-being, while successfully planning for the future.  Whether your billing is done in-house or outsourced, here are 3 data analytics you should always have included in your monthly and yearly billing reports. 1. Number of Days in Accounts Receivable (A/R) You...

When we work hard at preventing diseases through vaccines, everyone wins: Families, communities, and our pediatric practices. To succeed at keeping patients current with vaccines, you need a clinical decision support (CDS) tool that takes the guesswork out of the schedule. Here are five ways a CDS tool will help your practice. 1. Patient Population Knowledge Giving good care to your patients starts with understanding who they are. For example, do you have a way to identify all 5-year-old patients so you can contact them over the summer and remind them of school-mandated vaccines? Can you identify and close care gaps for...

If your payment data is currently dispersed across multiple systems, you might hit a roadblock in your plan for payment assurance. What does your roadmap for payment assurance look like? Use these three checkpoints to analyze where your data might be failing you and how you can improve collection processes by pulling payment data from one reliable source. Checkpoint #1: Talk to Your Staff About Their Processes to Collect Collecting patient payments is time-consuming. Do you know how much time your staff spends to collect a single payment? Ask your staff to walk you through their daily process to collect, reconcile and post...

Preventative care is the cornerstone of pediatrics, yet many practices don’t optimize their well visits. If you are not doing proactive recalls, you are leaving money on the table and your patients are not receiving optimal care. There are several aspects to optimize well visits but your practice must be committed to doing this on a regular basis. Where to start? Be reactive within the office. Every time a patient’s chart is touched (triage nurse, vaccine-only visit, form request, sick visit), train your entire team to look for the red date, indicating the patient is overdue for a well visit. Encourage...


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