pediatrics Archives - Office Practicum

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[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]It's summertime, and while many pediatricians dream of a relaxing getaway, the thought of leaving their practice unattended can be a major source of stress. The constant need to be available for patient calls can make it challenging to truly disconnect.  Fortunately, there are powerful tools designed to help pediatricians break free from that feeling of being on call every hour of the day — and night. Comprehensive 24/7 pediatric answering services and pediatric-focused online patient education resources offer solutions that allow doctors to enjoy some well-deserved time off, knowing their patients will still...

Very few things about medical billing are straightforward, but it’s especially true in pediatrics. Proper coding, modifiers, and changes in Medicaid rules and payer guidelines can turn a simple office visit into a minefield of dependencies. Add staffing shortages and the challenge of finding qualified medical billers to the mix, and it further exacerbates the stress of billing for pediatric practices. When it comes to running a pediatric practice, the days of “one size fits all” are over. You can no longer thrive and work efficiently using a generic, non-specialty-specific EHR, and the same is true for billing and revenue cycle...

We are fortunate that diseases like polio, mumps, and diphtheria are now words most young people only know from history lessons — not from first-hand experience with the diseases that were an ever-present danger decades ago. Thanks to the heroic vaccination efforts of physicians, many diseases have been eradicated or are much less prevalent today. Vaccinations play a significant role in pediatric success. To explain the history and impact on society as a whole, OPs Medical Director Dr. Dan Feiten, and OPs Clinical Director Dr. Rich Szabo joined our podcast to discuss “Success Against Diseases: The History of Vaccination”. Here are some...

Making self-care a priority is essential when you work in a healthcare setting. Day in and day out, you spend a large portion of your day caring for the well-being of your patients, but over time, it can take a personal toll. The last several years have brought even more challenges for healthcare providers across the country as more people are going through difficulties and reaching out for help. ...

One common thread that comes up often in conversations among pediatric providers and their staff is that the last several years have been exhausting. Pediatricians in cities, suburbs, and rural areas alike are burned out and they’re facing what seems like an insurmountable combination of increased expectations and decreased practice resources....

Since early 2020, many pediatric practices have been forced to juggle increased patient demand against new safety precautions and a reduction in the number of people they have on staff. The COVID pandemic has been a significant stressor on the pediatric community, with one survey finding that 60% of pediatricians were experiencing at least one dimension of burnout....

Learning to communicate with patients online has been a central hallmark of the COVID-19 pandemic for pediatric practices. However, evaluating whether your practice is succeeding in this area can be a challenge. The scope of communication in healthcare varies, and there’s no one standard metric that providers can use to measure their progress....

Many young children and teens struggled during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, organizations like Duck Cup Memorial Fund are stepping into the fray to bring more awareness to this issue. Sara Jutz, the Executive Director of Duck Cup Memorial Fund, recently spoke on the PediaTricks podcast to share more information about how their organization is working to meet this moment, and make mental health and suicide prevention a much easier subject to speak about openly. ...

In a typical day, how do patient records move through your pediatric office? Your administrative staff pulls files for scheduled patients and creates records for new patients. Your nurse/medical assistant updates those files with each patient’s vitals. Your pediatricians take copious notes as they see each patient. Then, each file gets passed back through the nursing team for more updates and back to the administrative staff for payment processing and filing. Paper-Based Systems Are a Lot of Work--And Still Create Significant Risks With a paper-based medical record system, pediatric offices can effectively maintain a tight grip on their patient information. However, it...


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